
Café Papeneiland - Prinsengracht 2, 1015 DV, Amsterdam

Hidden Gems
Enter the café, flag down a waiter, and ask him to show you the secret passage. He will understand. In the 19th century, a door in this café led to a secret tunnel that led to the Posthoornkerk church on the other side of the canal. At the time, Catholicism was illegal and Catholics had to hide their worship. The times have changed, and the Posthoornkerk is no longer a clandestine church, but the door is still there. If it fails to open (a highly likely occurrence), do not insist. Flag down your waiter again and order a drink instead. After all, Papeneiland Café is also known for being one of the most welcoming taverns in Amsterdam.Café Papeneiland - Prinsengracht 2, 1015 DV, Amsterdam
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