Home Europe France Paris CHOCOLATE FIT FOR A KING



145 rue La Fayette, Paris

Local Taste
Located at 30 Rue Saint-Pères in the 7th arrondissement of Paris, Debauve et Gallais is one of the capital's top chocolate shops. This legendary house of chocolate - now listed as an historic monument - was founded in 1819 by… a pharmacist. His name was Sulpice Debauve. As pharmacist to the king, the founder was obliged to involve himself in chocolate, because Queen Marie-Antoinette complained about the awful taste of her medicines. Sulpice then had the idea of coating them in a mixture of cocoa and cane sugar, and the Queen referred to the results as Pistoles because of their similarity to the coins of the same name. So from pharmacist to the King, he became chocolatier to the King. This successful conversion has been delivering delicious results ever since. Especially if you're a chocoholic. And you're in good health. 30 rue Saint-Pères, 75007 Paris
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