Home Europe France Rennes FANCY A PARLEMENTIN?



Place du parlement de Bretagne

The Parliament of Brittany, a vast rectangular structure in a Classical style, owes its construction to the end of the religious wars and the levying of an unheard of tax on... pots of cider! Centuries later, in 1999, nothing more was needed to inspire certain local pastry chefs. They couldn't decide what to call the small loaf cakes they had just created using almonds (amandes), apples (pomme) and cider. Pomandine, pomandin... well, why not just name it 'parlementin' in honour of the cake’s similarly shaped twin? If your taste buds are crying out to try it, head to one of the four bakeries of its founding fathers: Bouvier, Chauou, Janvier and Le Daniel. Then ask yourself whether this sweet treat is worthy of its palatial name and its reputation as Rennes' new speciality!
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