Belo Horizonte

Rua do Amendoim - Mangabeiras, Belo Horizonte

Can a car climb an incline with the engine off? In the chic Mangabeiras neighbourhood in the city of Belo Horizonte, some inhabitants (who are perfectly right in the head) are asking that very question. Indeed, cars seem to defy the law of gravity by climbing up Rua do Amendoim on their own. One explanation for the phenomena is that minerals in the ground are magnetizing the vehicles and towing them up the hill. Believable? Not really. At least less believable than the theory of an optical illusion. Apparently, the street slopes slightly. Do not take our word for it, go see for yourself. But keep a hand on the emergency brake, all the same. Rua do Amendoim - Mangabeiras, Belo Horizonte
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