30 Motivational Quotes to Prepare You for a Day of Meetings

Working away can be tough, so you might need some words of wisdom to give you a boost in the morning. We’ve put together the best quotes from entrepreneurs, historical figures, political leaders and even movie characters to inspire you to aim higher. The quotes we’ve chosen are light-hearted and some are bound to put a smile on your face, especially our Yoda quote.

We’ve couldn’t help but include multiple quotes from the likes of Richard Branson, Steve Jobs and Henry Ford. Some will be familiar to you, but others will be completely new. Sit back, relax and get ready for a successful day…

“Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” Winston Churchill

“A good leader is not necessarily the most popular person in their business, but the best ones are liked because they are respected for their clarity and vision.” Alan Sugar

“Happiness is an attitude. We either make ourselves miserable, or happy and strong. The amount of work is the same.” Carlos Castaneda

“Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.” Theodore Roosevelt

“A business has to be involving, it has to be fun, and it has to exercise your creative instincts.” Richard Branson

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Albert Einstein

“When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us.” Helen Keller

“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself, any direction you choose.” Dr. Seuss

“You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.” Steve Jobs

“When writing the story of your life, don't let anyone else hold the pen.” Harley Davidson

“Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway.” John Wayne

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” Thomas Edison

“Business opportunities are like buses, there’s always another one coming.” Richard Branson

“Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.” Maya Angelou

“Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michaelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.” H. Jackson Brown Jr.

“I never dreamed about success. I worked for it.” Estée Lauder

“Whether you think you can or whether you think you can’t, you’re right!” Henry Ford

“The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus.” Bruce Lee

“If you work just for money, you’ll never make it, but if you love what you’re doing and you always put the customer first, success will be yours.” Ray Kroc

“Someone once told me that 'time' is a predator that stalks us all our lives. But I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey and reminds us to cherish every moment because it will never come again.” Jean-Luc Picard

“Do or do not. There is no try.” Yoda

“Quality means doing it right when no one is looking.” Henry Ford

“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.” Steve Jobs

“Instead of wondering when your next vacation is, you ought to set up a life you don’t need to escape from.” Seth Godin

“The most valuable thing you can make is a mistake- you can’t learn anything from being perfect.” Adam Osborne

“Have a very good reason for everything you do.” Laurence Olivier

“The essential question is not, ‘How busy are you?’ but ‘What are you busy at?’” Oprah Winfrey

“A man should never neglect his family for business.” Walt Disney

“Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs.” Henry Ford

“Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me. Going to bed at night saying we've done something wonderful, that's what matters to me.” Steve Jobs
We hope you’ve enjoyed reading our top thirty motivational quotes for business. Perhaps one day you’ll say something that goes down in history and makes it onto a future list.
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